The Astro Mystic Sama Ensemble

(Sama'). The spiritual concert or 'audition' or 'listening'. This term refers specifically to the Sufi gatherings where music and song are employed as a means of opening the heart to inrushes of knowledge and awareness. During the spritual concert, the listener may experience ecstasy and find Allah, The Real within that ecstasy. True Sama' is a bird that flies around and in the domain of Truth. In this Divine Feast the singer and the hearer become One.



November 3, 2024

Moondog Cafe


Astro Mystic will join Faraway Ghost x Sunken Cage, a NY/DC duo led by Kamyar Arsani (@farawayghost) & Ravish Momin (@sunkencages). This will be a journey into a night of blues, “jazz”, and digital folk music that draws on Sufi mysticism, Persian and Indian musical traditions and experimental techno. This will be held at the Moondog Cafe in Detroit.